ARIZONA Arizona Statutes of 1965, amended in 1979 & 1981, Title 24, Chapter 2, Article 10 Arizona statutory law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a dog guide in any place to which the public is invited. The same right exists in regard to common carriers. No extra charge can be levied because of the dog's presence, but the dog guide user is liable for any damages caused by the dog to the premises. Public places include restaurants, cafes, hotels, motels, stores, places of amusement, and all other facilities open to the public except zoos and wild animal parks, which may exclude dog guides under certain specified conditions. (*24-411A, B, & D) A proprietor may request that the dog guide user present the identification card provided to him or her by the school from which the dog was obtained. (*24-411C) Common carriers include trains, buses, taxis, airplanes, etc. (*24- 411A) Violation: Any person, firm, association, corporation or agent thereof who interferes with the above enumerated rights is punishable under Arizona State Law. (*24-411E)